This is the Krishna river 'Arati' at Ibrahimpatnam near Vijayawada. This place is called Pavitra Sangam (the holy confluence). Overcoming the language problem in this part of the country what I could learn is that, they have artificially created this Sangam with the name of "Pattaseema" project which connects the Godavari with the Krishna river. Telegus are extremely cautious and careful in building barrages and dams. In our part of the country (Bengal, Bihar, Orissa, Assam) where it is taken for granted that a river will eventually flow into the sea, here the concept is not so. They have rightly identified that it is a wastage of water. Actually, I was surprised by the freshness and cheap price of the vegetables and fruits available locally, that too in summer when the temperature touches 45-degree Celcius in many of the agriculture belts. Later I came to know that is possible due to a well-planned lift irrigation project and numerous other canals drawn scientifically across the state. Hats off to Andhraites, you nailed it, brother.
About the Aarati: It commences at around 6'o clock in the evening and lasts for more than an hour. Nine priests offers prayers to the nine planets. The 'Mantras' are played in awesome Dolby digital sound boxes. The vibrations are sure to touch your soul. A variety of lanterns/Pradeeps are used. Most of the 'slokas' or mantras are in Sanskrit. Be it Sanskrit or Telegu I know neither of the two. So it's difficult for me to comment on the same. However, I can safely comment that it lifts the ambiance of the place to the next level of divinity. If someone is around Vijayawada this spot should definitely find a place in your itinerary.